Sentai Daishikkaku | 戦隊大失格 | Episode 04


Sentai Daishikkaku

12 Episodes| Retail

Thirteen years ago, the Nefarious Monster Army invaded Earth, but humanity’s great protectors, the Dragon Keepers, defeated them in a single year! Every Sunday since, the monsters have been forced to act out humiliating defeat after defeat in front of the unsuspecting public. Determined to change this, a single monster, D, infiltrated the Ranger Force. With the help of the mysterious Ranger, Yumeko Suzukiri, D managed to seize one of the divine artifacts—the only weapons capable of permanently killing the monsters’ immortal bodies!

Action, Fantasy

Yostar Pictures, Shouchiku


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Download Sentai Daishikkaku | 戦隊大失格 | Episode 04